
Sie befinden sich auf der Plattform zur historischen Rezeptforschung der Gastrosophie des Fachbereichs Geschichte an der Universität Salzburg. Die Datenbank dient als Sammlung historischer Kochbücher und Kochbuchhandschriften (vornehmlich aus der Barockzeit) und soll vor allem bei der quellenübergreifenden Auswertung sowie Analyse dieser unterstützen. 


Rezepte in der Datenbank



Rezeptinspiration des Augenblicks:

To preserve Cucumbers
Take Cucumbers of the same Bigness that you wou’d to pickle; pick them fresh, green, and free from Spots; boil them in Water ’till they are tender; then run a Knitting-needle through them the long Way, and scrape off all Roughness; then green them, which is done thus: Let your Water be ready to boil, take it off, and put in a good Piece of Roach-Allum; set it on the Fire, and put in the Cucumbers; cover them close ’till you see they look green; weigh them, and take their Weight in single-refin’d Sugar clarify’d; to a Pound of Sugar put a Pint of Water; put your Cucumbers in; boil them a little close-cover’d; set them by, and boil them a little every Day for four Days; then take them out of your Syrup, and make a Syrup of double-refin’d Sugar, a Pound of Sugar and half a Pint of Water to every Pound of Cucumbers; put in your Cucumbers, and boil them ’till they are clear; then put in the Juice of two or three Lemmons, and a little Orange-flower-water, and give them a Boil altogether: You may either lay them out to dry, or keep them in Syrup; but every Time you take any out, make the other scalding hot, and they will keep two or three Years.