
Sie befinden sich auf der Plattform zur historischen Rezeptforschung der Gastrosophie des Fachbereichs Geschichte an der Universität Salzburg. Die Datenbank dient als Sammlung historischer Kochbücher und Kochbuchhandschriften (vornehmlich aus der Barockzeit) und soll vor allem bei der quellenübergreifenden Auswertung sowie Analyse dieser unterstützen. 


Rezepte in der Datenbank



Rezeptinspiration des Augenblicks:

To make Caramel
Take China Oranges, peel and split them into Quarters, but don’t break the Skin; lay the Quarters before a Fire, turning them ’till the Skin is very dry; then take Half a Pound of Sugar sifted thro’ an Hair Sieve, put it in a Brass or Silver Pan, and set it over a very slow Fire, keeping it stirring ’till all is melted, and looks pretty clear; then take it off the Fire, and put in your Orange-Quarters, one at a Time; take them out again as fast as you can with a little Spoon, and lay them on a Dish, that shou’d be butter’d, or they will not come off: The Sugar will keep hot enough to do any Plate full. You may do roasted Chessnuts, or any Fruit in the Summer, first laying the Fruit before a Fire, or in a Stove, to make the Skin tough; for if any Wet come out, the Sugar will not stick to it: It must be done just when you use it, for it will not keep.