
Sie befinden sich auf der Plattform zur historischen Rezeptforschung der Gastrosophie des Fachbereichs Geschichte an der Universität Salzburg. Die Datenbank dient als Sammlung historischer Kochbücher und Kochbuchhandschriften (vornehmlich aus der Barockzeit) und soll vor allem bei der quellenübergreifenden Auswertung sowie Analyse dieser unterstützen. 


Rezepte in der Datenbank



Rezeptinspiration des Augenblicks:

To make Long-Biscuit
Take thirty Eggs, (the Whites of fourteen (break twenty eight of them; beat them very well with two Spoonfuls of Rose-Water; then put in three Pound of sifted Sugar, and beat it all the while the Oven is heating; then dry two Pound and a Quarter of fine Flower, let it be cold before you put it in, and put in the two Eggs left out; stir it well, and drop it. It must have a very quick Oven. Bake it almost as fast as you can fill your Oven; the Papers must be laid on Tin-Plates, or they will burn at the Bottom. This same Biscuit was the Queen’s Seed-Biscuit. Put to half this Quantity half a Pound of Caraway-Seeds, and bake it in large square Tin-Pans, buttering the Pans: It bakes best in a cool Oven, after the Drop-Biscuit is baked.