
Sie befinden sich auf der Plattform zur historischen Rezeptforschung der Gastrosophie des Fachbereichs Geschichte an der Universität Salzburg. Die Datenbank dient als Sammlung historischer Kochbücher und Kochbuchhandschriften (vornehmlich aus der Barockzeit) und soll vor allem bei der quellenübergreifenden Auswertung sowie Analyse dieser unterstützen. 


Rezepte in der Datenbank



Rezeptinspiration des Augenblicks:

To make Lobster or Craw-Fish Soop
Take Whitings, Flounders, and Grigs; put them into a Gallon of Water, with Pepper, Salt, Cloves, Mace, a Bunch of Sweet Herbs, and a small Onion; boil them to Pieces, and strain them out of the Liquor; then take a large Carp, cut off the Fish of one Side of it; put some Eel to it; make forc'd Meat of it, and lay it on the Carp as before; strew grated Bread over it; butter a Dish well, and bake it in an Oven; then take a Hundred of Craw-fish, break all the Shells of the Claws and Tail, and take out the Meat as whole as you can; then break all the Shells small, and put them, with the Spawn of Lobster, to the Soop, (and, if you please, some Gravy) and give them a Boil together; strain the Liquor out into another Sauce-pan, with the Tops of French Rolls dried, beat and sifted, and give it a Boil up to thicken; then brown some Butter, put in the Tails and Claws of your Crawfish, some of your forc'd Meat made into Balls; put your baked Carp into the Middle of the Dish; pour your Soup on boiling hot, and your Crawfish or Lobster in it. Garnish the Dish with Lemons and scalded Greens.