
Sie befinden sich auf der Plattform zur historischen Rezeptforschung der Gastrosophie des Fachbereichs Geschichte an der Universität Salzburg. Die Datenbank dient als Sammlung historischer Kochbücher und Kochbuchhandschriften (vornehmlich aus der Barockzeit) und soll vor allem bei der quellenübergreifenden Auswertung sowie Analyse dieser unterstützen. 


Rezepte in der Datenbank



Rezeptinspiration des Augenblicks:

To dry Goosberries
TAKE the large white Goosberries before they are very ripe, but at full Growth, stone and wash them, and to a Pound of Goosberries put a Pound and half of Sugar, beat very fine, and half a Pint of Water; set them on the Fire; when the Sugar is melted, let them boil, but not too fast; take them off once or twice, that they may not break; when they begin to look clear, they are enough: Let them stand all Night in the Pan they are boil’d in, with a Paper laid close to them; the next Day scald them very well, and let them stand a Day or two; then lay them on Plates, sift them with Sugar very well, and put them in the Stove, turning them every Day ’till they are dry; the third Time of turning, you may lay them on a Sieve, if you please; when they are pretty dry, place them in a Box, with Paper betwixt every Row.